Art Du Sexe

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Generations of women have been brought up on what men want. Focusing on that aspect of sex has created an incredibly male-dominated world of pleasure and power, with so many women not even knowing what they enjoy. The definition of masturbation is “the stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals, especially to orgasm; sexual self-gratification”. Masturbation has a nuanced reputation. Aside from the physical benefits, it can be a mood lifter, confidence booster, and something of a mind clearer. People masturbate for different reasons — it helps them relax, sleep better, understand their body better, release sexual tension, or their partner isn't around. But a basic perk of masturbation - or self-love, whatever you choose to call it - is that it feels good. There is an outdated assumption that masturbation is only something you do when you don't have a sex partner.

Whatever your dating status, a healthy balance of self-love is a life-changing addition, one I would wholeheartedly recommend. When masturbating or having lesbian sex, 95% of women reach orgasm, in an average time of 4 minutes - this is compared to 39% of women during heterosexual sex. To bring that satisfaction and pleasure into a relationship and to share what works for your body, surely that’s a huge benefit to yourself, your partner’s understanding, and the overall chemistry in your relationship? Self-acceptance and the confidence, joy, and improved health that come with education and uninhibited explorations of pleasure are what I want to deliver to women. Pleasure and sexual fulfilment shouldn’t be regarded as luxuries; more women need to regard their own sexual satisfaction as a necessity. What is healthier than taking time to appreciate your body and to relish the feelings it can hold, as an individual and as a couple? How can you ever communicate what you like to a partner if you haven’t tried to find out what works for you and your body? Self-love is the only way to truly understand your own body and your own desires - and appreciate them all. To have fun getting to know what works for you and your body is such a wonderful part of self-discovery and really diffuses so many pressures and preoccupations that have gradually built up around sexual preference. Toys really can be a fun and easy way to mix up sensations and explore yourself.

Experience Tokyo to elevate your intimacy in couple play

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