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Event One

On February 13th, we're launching a captivating giveaway on our social media channels, inviting customers to engage until midnight on Valentine's Day.

Participants can share their thoughts by posting about what 'satisfaction' means to them, using the hashtag #LoveUnboxed.

The prize?

A luxurious 'Art Du Sexe' box, tailored for both singles who find self-satisfaction in their body and those who find satisfaction in a relationship.

This offers a unique twist on traditional Valentine's gifts.

It's filled with delightful surprises that promote well-being, pleasure, and a deep sense of connection.

Our campaign celebrates the diversity of love and relationships, making everyone feel included, whether they're single, in a relationship, or cherishing a special moment of satisfaction. It's about recognizing and valuing the different forms of contentment and satisfaction we experience in our lives.

Sign below to take part of this wonderful opportunity;


8 March

Event Two